Friends of the Boyd


“The spacious foyer contains richly ornamented glass and metal fountains and is equipped with luxurious furniture. Broad stairways of marble with railings of beautiful iron and bronze, lead to the balcony.”

– 2-16-29 Exhibitors Herald-World article on the Boyd, p. 71

After the Lobby is the Foyer adjoining the auditorium. The Foyer’s spectacular three two story story Art Deco mirrors have multihued glass depicting the theater curtain, plants, and geometric details and a marble fountain in the center mirror.

The Foyer originally had vibrant colors that related well the Art Deco mirrors. It was repainted in different vibrant colors for the 1993 world premiere of  “Philadelphia.” At the premiere of “Philadelphia” Tom Hanks entered the theater and said “Oh, wow, a real movie theater.”

From the Foyer, restrooms were one flight down and also one flight up.  Visit the Foyer’s section upstairs, the Foyer Mezzanine next to the balcony.

The Foyer exits on Sansom Street. Don’t exit yet – proceed to your right though the doors into the main Auditorium.

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